Our Branche

Head office USA: 15 ivanhoe, Irvine,CA 92602
Mob: 0013238993011 - 0017142615206

Mall of Arabia : 1 Floor F 18 - 6 October
Tel : 02-38260128-9

Mob: 0114 855 9991

Customer Service :+2 0114 8577799




Our Philosophy

  • Company philosophy is a marketing philosophy which depends on marketing researches and taking feedback to increase product value.

ApproachKnow IT

We aim to achieve customer's satisfaction by defining the level of mattress hardness via determination of length and weight that match user's conformability

ApproachTest IT

And now you have known and test the degree of rigidity that fit your body you can lie down and around on your selected comfort sleep, now u have know.

ApproachKeep IT

All we need is the customer satisfied comfortable approval, and we'll send the mattress to his bed, guarantying the comfort sleep for 20 more years